~ Mirrors In The Shade ~

Mirrors In The Shade
Copyright © 1987  by  Michael Khaleel

Verse :
    Do you know that Jesus said, 'come on in and I will give you rest,
    from your earthly toil, the love you don't possess' ?

    'There are many rooms in my Fathers' house, if it were not I would have
     told you so.'

    'I go to prepare a place for you, one that you will know.'

Verse :
    Today we jump up and clap our hands and shout out that we're saved.
    But if we don't hear with our hearts, how can we live it everyday

    and if we want a better world, what about trust and obey,

    for without a start to share the truth, we're Mirrors In the Shade ?

Refrain :
    Into this world a light has come, to shine through all men,
    but we will surely be in the dark forever, if we don't let Him in

    and if we want a brighter world, what about the Way,

    for without that spark where is the light, for Mirrors In the Shade ?

Verse :
    Now I'm stepping into the basket, do you know what that means ?
    Jesus gave His life so we can live, He calls for us to see.

    Yes, it's the great commission, a widow's offering,

    but where two or more gather in His Name, do we wait upon the King ?

Refrain :
    Into this world a man has come, to pay the price for sin.
    But we will surely die forever, if we don't ask Him in

    and if we want a better world, what about prayer
    Does that hope live in our hearts, for Mirrors In the Shade ?

Refrain :
    Into this world love has come, to save all men,
    but we will surely be lost forever, without the Lord within

    and if we want a better world, well, what about today
    It takes a spark to start a fire, for Mirrors In the Shade .

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" And if I go
and prepare a place for you,
I will come again,
and receive you unto myself;
that where I am,
there ye may be also.

And whither I go ye know,
and the way ye know. "
~ John 14:3-4 ~